Massing Magic for a Better 2024, Together
I have a plot, to make 2024 a better year, for everyone. Wanna join me?
It comes from the realms of possibility beyond the ordinary everyday, of which Hamlet spoke when he said ‘There are more things in Heaven and Earth … than are dreamt of in your philosophy’.
So it will only appeal to you if you’re interested in the magical, the non-physical, the esoteric or the just plain weird.
But if you have even a tiny flicker of curiosity, and you’re willing to open up to something ridiculously easy but potentially world-changing, read on.
There is a type of magic known as servitor magic, which emerged from the field of Chaos Magic in the late 20th century.
The concept is simple.
You imagine into being, a magical entity which is designed to do a specific task for you, to aid you by making connections and bringing things together for you in the energetic non-physical realms.
A servitor can help out with things like bringing clients into a business, helping protect your kids, supporting recovery from illness, getting a book published, and so on.
A servitor needs to be imagined up with a little care, but it’s not at all difficult or onerous.
You need to figure out its purpose, its skillset, its name, its nutrition and even its ‘release code’ so that when it’s time for it to retire, it can be safely released.
You need to know how to feed it, since it needs sustenance to do its work — but that feeding can be easy and even fun for you.
For example, I have a winged Welsh sheepdog helping me with something, and he is ‘fed’ every time I practise speaking Welsh on Duolingo, every time I feel gratitude for his work, every time I say thank you to him in Welsh.
A servitor can only do its work if you are taking aligned actions, of course. But that can also be easy.
For example, you can’t ask a servitor to bring ten new clients and then never do any marketing. You can’t ask a servitor to get your book published but never let anyone read the manuscript. But marketing and sending out your manuscript are both actions which would get you closer to those results even without the servitor, so they’re useful either way.
So, what’s my idea for 2024?
Let’s make a SWARM of servitors, all with the same purpose — to make 2024 a better year for everyone.
Everyone makes one servitor, in any ‘design’ they like, with one single purpose — to make 2024 a better year for everyone.
We’ll need to refrain from adding in any detail, so the swarm can work together more easily.
We’ll need to keep our sticky mitts off the ‘how’ of it, and even the ‘what’ of it, so the swarm has free rein to figure things out.
Letting the swarm figure out what ‘better year for everyone’ looks like in detail gives it the freedom to activate solutions we might not have thought of.
And then, our only work is to keep feeding our own servitor and doing aligned actions.
Our aligned actions could be things like asking ourselves ‘how could I make the world a little better for this person in front of me?’, and ‘what things could I do in 2024 that would make my corner of the world a little better for everyone?’
Our aligned actions could be things like pausing before we launch ourselves at an outrageous post, and speaking up when we see bullying happen.
In my case, it’s probably going to be getting active with the local allies group in support of First Nations Australians, and taking my allyship work out to a wider audience.
Who wants to join in?
I recommend you get a copy of Magickal Servitors: Create Your Own Spirits to Attract Pleasure, Power and Prosperity by Damon Brand, available in many bookstores and via Amazon as a kindle book. It will tell you everything you need to know, and more.
And if you’d like to be part of the official 2024 Swarm, no need to join anything or pay anything.
Just decide you’d like to do it, go learn how if you don’t already know, and dive in.
PS I’m thinking of creating a servitor in the form of a swarm of bees, since that seems fitting.