Happy New Moon in Sagittarius
This one’s a doozy, and here’s why.
First, the technical astro stuff.
New Moon (aka Sun conjunct Moon) at 1º Sagittarius dances with Sagittarius’ own ruler Jupiter, and Neptune — both in Pisces, both Retrograde — and also with intuitive strategy-whizz kid Pallas Athena**, who brings in transformative Pluto along with her.
All very well, but what does it mean for you?
Sagittarius already, automatically taps us into the unnerving concept that ANYTHING is possible.
Add in the slippery Piscean vibe AND the Pluto vibe, and it’s like every limitation we ever knew is gone, or at best unreliable, and we’re hauled out into the spaces beyond the known where we have the urge to explore and expand.
That’s gloriously exciting — but also scary AF for a human nervous system, which likes to feel grounded and tethered, and doesn’t like the slippery-underfoot feeling.
It is not a problem.
First, it’s worth noting that optimistic, expansive Jupiter turns direct SIX MINUTES after the exact New Moon, so in practical terms he is at the ‘pause and slowly accelerate forwards’ point while the Moon is New.
As the ruler of Sagittarius, it’s like he has a kind and friendly hand in the small of your back, helping push you out into the bright light of whatever lies beyond your ordinary, everyday now-reality.
STRATEGY: Jupiter always responds best to the energy of ALLOWING. So your best strategy for New Moon is to drop fretting, puzzling, overthinking, struggling, pushing and trying to make stuff happen.
WAY easier said than done, I know.
But pick just ONE tool you’ve learned which would help with this, and use it every day. (If you don’t have one at all, hit me up and I’ll point you in the right direction)
And remember, this is not forever! The New Moon energy is in place for two weeks, and it leads us into the Full Moon where we harvest the work of that New Moon.
And it’s the Gemini Full Moon, in two weeks’ time.
This particular Gemini Full Moon powerfully activates Mars (Retrograde in Gemini<>) so this is where we take the action (Mars) of exercising curiosity (Gemini) in order to start putting things into words with more commitment.
Soon after that, as first Mercury, then Venus, then Sun all march into make-shit-real Capricorn, we begin to use everything we learned while out there floating in the realms of infinite possibility, to direct our Capricornian journey so it’s one of joy and freedom, not one of hard work and struggle.
Can you see the fabulous sequence?
Open up to ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE energy, even though you have NO idea how any of it could happen. Hold your nerve and bask in that energy, while curating your brain’s tendencies to want to Figure It All Out. We do the figuring out later, dear brain! Just enjoy the supersized daydreaming in full, for now.
Then with Full Moon start to articulate everything you’ve discovered, a little more clearly, by putting it into words.
For best results, aim those words at CLAIMING a new identity — describe who you would be if all those impossible things were a reality right now. “I’m loved and loveable”. “I’m successful and loving it”. “I belong in the places of power”.
They probably won’t feel true yet. That’s okay. This is a journey of exploration, not a to-do list to achieve by January 1.
And as we move into Capricorn in a month’s time, we gently start making that version of you more real — bit by bit, one percent change at a time, and before you know it — that stuff you visited in the realms of infinite possibility are coming into the here and now.
** Pallas Athena goes waaaaay back before the Greeks, as two-thirds of the triple goddess Pallas-Athena-Medusa; and it is said in modern astrology that in addition to her Greek role, she also represents the breaking up of old relationships with the patriarchy — something I like to encourage, at any time!
<> for more info on Mars Retrograde and how to make the most of it, check out my recent article on Confluence Daily.
PS if you’d like help navigating Sagittarius season and a collection of FANTASTIC practices to help you make the most of it — check out my easy-peasy membership program Liberation Zodiac. Cuz that’s what we do there. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯